Here I am, Lord...

About Me

So as you now know, I’m Lesley. I am the wife to a really tall guy (6’10”) named Sam (hey… I prayed for a tall husband)!  I’m also mom to four crazy fun, beautiful kids.  They are currently ages 17 to 29. We also have three adorable grandkids who bring us immeasurable joy.

I also am the founder and owner of — a website to help moms and small businesses connect for hiring freelancers and virtual employees. I love helping moms find flexible work from home options so they can prioritize their family.  I got my internet business start back in 1995 after having my first baby. I could not bear leaving her every day which is what inspired me to work from home and start (Home-Based Working Moms) back then. I have been working from home and loving it ever since. #winning

Some of my most favorite things are: spending quality time with my family and friends, watching the sunset over Lake Travis, gathering around a fire pit with a glass of wine and great friends (or marshmallows & my babies👇🏼), traveling to new and interesting places, home decorating and watching college football.  I also love adventure and super hero movies. (I may be a little too much of an Iron Man fan!) And I especially love quiet mornings with my cup of joe, salted caramel creamer, my Bible and my Jesus.


Why this Blog?

Like all of us, I have plenty on my plate. But lately, I have been in a season of surrendering more fully to Jesus to really pursue Him and His plans for my life. I’ve pulled back from a lot of things in order to spend more time with Him. It’s been a season of ups and downs…… just like life. The result of some of that time is this blog. I hope that you find encouragement, inspiration and even a challenge from God to go deeper and surrender more fully to Him and His plans for your life. His plans are always so much better than our own!

If you want to know more about my personal Love Story with God, click here >>>




Hello! I’m Lesley — Texas girl, born and raised — lover of Jesus, people, fire pits, volleyball, football and yes, Tex-Mex food!

I am also the founder/owner of – a website connecting moms seeking work from home with small businesses seeking virtual professionals.

My devos are a result of my quiet time with the Lord. I quiet my mind and ask Him to speak to me. As I sit and listen, I begin to write what I feel He has put on my heart. I hope it blesses you and inspires you in your walk with the Lord.

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