Look up at Me. I am always watching over you. As a father smiles when he sees his children, I smile when I see you. You bring much joy to this Father’s heart just by being you. You do not have to earn it. It is freely yours.
I enjoy watching you grow and learn. Even when you make mistakes, I know that you are learning and growing through them.
Forget about the past. It is exactly that – the past. What you did then, what happened to you then is the past. I want you to give it all to Me and find healing and forgiveness. I want you to dwell on it no longer. Give it to Me my child. I will take it all.
It has been nailed on the cross with Me. And in Me, there is complete forgiveness. All you need to do is ask. In Me, is complete healing. Give it to Me and keep giving it to Me. I want you whole and healed. You are my beloved, and in you I see no flaws.
I see My child whom I love fully and completely. I am here for you now and always. Come. Give Me your heart, your fears, your hurts, your past, your failures, your pain, your regrets. I want all of it. And I want it all nailed on the cross.
In return, I want to give you My love, My forgiveness, My healing, My courage, My power and My hope. I have so much for you. You only need to ask, trust and obey.
In Me, you will find completeness, security, acceptance, hope and fulfillment like you’ve never had.
I love you and My arms are wide open to you.
“He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions.” Psalm 107:20
“But with you there is forgiveness, so that we can, with reverence, serve you.” Psalm 130:4