Jesus, you are life. To know you is to love you. Life is full of so much uncertainty, yet you are steadfast. You are hope. You are love. You are life. Where would we be without you? Ultimately life is meaningless without you. You bring purpose, clarity, and hope to this life of ups and downs. Only you can bring good out of our pain, struggles, difficulties, challenges and heartaches. When we look at life through your lens, we can find hope and trust that you are working all things out for the good of those who love you and are called according to your purpose (Romans 8:28) Thank you that you never leave us nor forsake us even when we forsake you. And thank you that your love for us never changes, that its unconditional and doesn’t depend on how good we are or how much we deserve it. The truth is none of us deserve it but because you are a God of grace, you freely give it. Thank you Abba!