Here I am, Lord...

I had a dream once where I had five diamond rings on my desk, and we were in a classroom setting. The teacher (or someone) came by to pick up or give us papers and without me noticing she took my most valuable ring — my wedding ring.

When I realized what happened, I went and confronted her and actually had her in a firm grip from behind and would not let go. I told her that if she didn’t give me the ring back that we were going to call the police. After some time of wrestling, she took me to a wall of what looked like tiny mailboxes and opened one with her key and gave me my ring back.

After I awoke, I started to ponder the possible meaning of the dream. I wondered if this was a dream from God. We see in scripture that God does speak through dreams and visions. (Matthew 2:13, 2:19, Numbers 12:6, Acts 2:17) If so, what could the meaning be or was it just a weird dream?

In the dream with five diamond rings, the most valuable and most prized ring of all was my wedding ring. We know that a wedding ring signifies commitment, intimacy and trust. All things important in our marriage but also in our relationship with Christ. And isn’t that what the enemy wants to steal?  He would love to cause our commitment, intimacy and trust with our spouse (and with Christ) to be stolen, compromised or diminished.

There are times we must fight for what is rightfully ours, and that’s a message I felt I was getting from this dream. I should not let anyone steal or take away from my relationship and trust in God. It is far more valuable than any earthly possession.

I also was reminded that if we ask according to God’s will, He hears us.  (1 John 5:14)

I am confident that God would want us to have our relationship and intimacy with Him restored so we can ask in boldness and confidence to take back what is rightfully ours.

Now I don’t know with absolute certainty that this dream was from God but it certainly gave me some things to ponder and pray about. It caused me to reflect on what is or should be most valuable to us. And I would have to say, without hesitation, that the most valuable thing I have is my faith, trust and security in my relationship with God and my salvation through Jesus.

Do you have faith, trust and security in your relationship with God? Do you have security of where you will spend eternity? If you want to learn more or know how you can be certain about your salvation, go to:  and experience the security of knowing the love, grace and mercy of our loving God.