Your heart is set upon Me but you allow busyness and the world to distract you from Me and My voice. Quite yourself and sense My love and presence all around you. Picture Me sitting right next to you. I am always with you, eager to connect with My children.
I am the ultimate parent full of so much love, compassion and adoration for My children. I look upon you with joy and gladness in My heart, not condemnation you feel when you’ve been separated from Me.
I do desire time with you, with all of My children. Time to refresh you, remind you who you are and speak My truth over you. You allow too many competing thoughts to pollute your mind, but in Me, you are reminded of Truth.
Truth is Found in Me
I refresh you with My perspective and hope for today and the future. There is much maturing I do in my children and many lessons I teach you along the way.
Stay Open to My Voice
Stay open to Me and My voice. Don’t allow the enemy to dilute or dissuade you from My truth. Your identity is found in Me. What I say about you is Truth. You are chosen, dearly loved and there is no one like you. No one can replace you and the role I have for you in life. No one can fill that void you have but Me. And no one can fill that void I have for you and the relationship I desire with you, but you.
You are My chosen
You are My chosen, My beloved child. In you, I see great potential. I have equipped you with all you need to fulfill the plans I have for you. You just have to walk with Me to discover them. It’s like a hidden treasure game that allows you to grown and learn each step of the way. Each treasure is a new trait, experience, wisdom gained, understanding, growth that builds you in to the wonderful masterpiece I already see in you.
There is only one you. And I see perfection in you. I see unlimited potential in you. You are not too old or too young.
With Me, there is no limit to what I can do through your life. It’s a great adventure.