Here I am, Lord...

The Bible makes it clear that God loves people from every nation and desires for everyone to know Him. Immigrants often come from countries where Christianity might not be as accessible or understood, and their time in the U.S. may be the first time they encounter the gospel. 

Regardless of where we stand on illegal immigration and whether it is Biblical, as Christians we should shift our focus to the mission opportunity that has been brought directly to us. 

Matthew 28:19-20: Jesus commanded, “Go and make disciples of all nations.” This command is not limited to going abroad; it applies to the people who come to us as well. Whether someone is from across the world or across the street, God’s heart is for them to experience His love and salvation.

Immigration often brings major life transitions. Many immigrants are seeking stability, safety, and hope, which can make them more open to hearing about God’s love. The challenges they face in a new country can create a hunger for something solid and eternal. Christians can offer the gospel as a message of hope, love, and belonging.

How to Evangelize to Immigrants

  1. Start with Genuine Relationships: Evangelism isn’t about preaching to people—it’s about building meaningful relationships based on love, care, and respect. Get to know immigrants in your community. Invite them into your life, share meals, and offer help with practical needs. In these relationships, trust grows, and opportunities naturally arise to share your faith.
  2. Be Sensitive to Their Culture and Beliefs: Many immigrants come from different religious or cultural backgrounds, and it’s important to approach conversations about faith with sensitivity and respect. Take the time to understand their background, listen to their experiences, and be patient. Faith is often deeply tied to one’s identity, and it can take time for someone to understand or accept the gospel.
  3. Show Christ Through Your Actions: Evangelism isn’t just about what you say but also how you live. Immigrants who are new to the country might be looking for community, support, or just kindness. Helping someone find their way, offering assistance with language, or simply being there in times of need can demonstrate God’s love in a way that speaks louder than words.
    • Matthew 5:16: “Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”
  1. Share the Gospel in a Way They Can Understand: Immigrants may have language barriers, so make sure you communicate the gospel clearly and simply. If necessary, use translations of the Bible or other Christian resources in their native language. Share the core message of the gospel—that Jesus loves them, died for them, and offers eternal life.
  2. Invite Them Into Christian Community: Once you’ve shared the gospel, invite them to your church or a small group where they can learn more and build connections with other Christians. A welcoming and loving Christian community can be a powerful witness to the reality of Jesus’ love.
  3. Pray for and with Them: Prayer is an important part of evangelism. Pray for immigrants to have open hearts to the gospel, and don’t hesitate to offer to pray with them, especially if they’re going through difficult times. Prayer shows care and invites God into the situation.

Why It Matters

The U.S. has become home to people from all over the world, and many of them have never heard the message of Jesus. By sharing the gospel with immigrants, Christians are fulfilling Jesus’ command to make disciples of all nations, often without having to leave their own city. It’s a powerful way to love others, to live out the mission of the church, and to help people find hope and salvation in Christ.

In the end, it’s not just about spreading a message—it’s about welcoming people into a new kind of family, the family of God. And that’s something everyone needs, no matter where they come from.