Dear Child,
You are My beloved and I rejoice over you with singing. I see you with the eyes of a Father full of love, pride and compassion.
I am the only One capable of true unconditional love and that is what your heart seeks. Everything else is temporary or imperfect.
Come to Me and let Me love you perfectly. No judgment. No condemnation but only love with loving conviction when needed. There truly is no one like Me, and no love like Mine.
I am what is missing
I am what your heart has been searching for. Come to Me and open your heart fully to My love. Let down your guard. You are safe with Me.
Love is the key and what every heart needs and searches for. Many find love in the world, but none find perfect love except through Me.
I am your Father, and I love with a relentless pursuit of My children.
You have not been forgotten
Many feel forgotten or unloved, but that is a lie of the enemy. I have never forgotten you and you have never been unloved by Me.
The enemy aims to pollute, dilute and corrupt love. Your job is to receive My love and to love others well and with intentionality.
I let you try to find love and fulfillment in the world, but all will eventually disappoint or leave you empty. All are flawed, but I am not nor is My love.
What are you afraid of?
What do you think you will lose?
The enemy wants you to hold on to those lies and not experience the joy and freedom of a life lived in Me. Refuse to believe his lies and turn your heart and life over to Me. True peace, joy, love and fulfillment await.
Deeper places of intimacy await
I want to take you to deeper places of intimacy and revelation – places you cannot go on your own. I am writing a beautiful love story that will be unique to us.
Stay close to Me. Listen for Me. Take time to be still.
The secret place with Me is where our intimacy grows. It is where I reveal My heart more deeply to you. It is where you experience this unconditional love, and where I deepen your trust and belief in Me.
Come. Come. I am waiting with open arms.
“This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters.”1 John 3:16
“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16
“The Lord your God is in your midst,
A Warrior who saves.
He will rejoice over you with singing;
He will be quiet in His love,
He will rejoice over you with shouts of joy. Zephaniah 3:17