Here I am, Lord...

Can God be Mysterious and Good?
Many have a problem with a God that can’t be figured out. If they don’t know all the answers, God must not be real; it must all be foolishness. For surely, mere man can understand an infinite, all-powerful, all-knowing God. Right?

Hope That Endures
This week as I was spending time with the Lord and asking Him what to write about, I sensed the word Hope. I believe that the Lord wanted to remind you and I where our hope comes from and where it should be placed.

Let Yourself Dream Again
Our pastor recently gave a sermon series entitled, Dream Again. At first I thought, what are my dreams? Do I have still have any? Have I just not allowed myself to dream lately? Has life gotten so busy that I am just stuck in the day to day? Can you relate? I started...

Love is the Key
Love is the key and what every heart needs and searches for. Many find love in the world but none find perfect love except through God. He is the only One capable of true, unconditional love. That is what our hearts seek; what every heart desires. Everything else is...

The Antidote for Disappointment
We live in a world full of people who make mistakes, including ourselves. We disappoint others, and they disappoint us. And sometimes it's our circumstances that bring the disappointment. Disappointment has a way of nagging at our hearts and minds. But how do we deal...