Here I am, Lord...

Whose Approval Are You Seeking?

Whose Approval Are You Seeking?

 Is it people's or is it God's? How do we distance ourselves from wanting the approval of our peers? Why is it so tempting to want other people's approval? For most of us, we want to be liked, esteemed and well-thought of. But do we do that at the expense of pleasing...

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Praise Him in the Storm

Praise Him in the Storm

When times are tough, often the last thing we want to do is praise God. Our human nature would much prefer to worry, complain, cry and moan about our circumstances. As I write this, we are on day two of Hurricane Harvey. I’ll be honest, nothing in me feels like...

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Unexpected Freedom

Unexpected Freedom

During the last couple of months, we have been on a journey of selling what we thought was our forever home and moving into a home less than half the size. We had accumulated quite a bit with such a large property and were able to use that home for a great deal of...

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Even If

Even If

 So, by now, many of you know that we have put our dream home -- the home we originally thought would be our forever home -- on the market out of obedience to what God laid on our hearts. And not just on the market but in a luxury, no reserve, auction. Sounds crazy...

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What Does It Mean To Surrender?

What Does It Mean To Surrender?

 God has really been working on me in the area of surrender for the past couple of years. For most of my adult life, I’ve surrendered parts of my life to God but not all – not everything. I suppose subconsciously I was afraid of what it would mean to “surrender all”...

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Hello! I’m Lesley — Texas girl, born and raised — lover of Jesus, people, fire pits, volleyball, football and yes, Tex-Mex food!

I am also the founder/owner of – a website connecting moms seeking work from home with small businesses seeking virtual professionals.

My devos are a result of my quiet time with the Lord. I quiet my mind and ask Him to speak to me. As I sit and listen, I begin to write what I feel He has put on my heart. I hope it blesses you and inspires you in your walk with the Lord.

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