Here I am, Lord...

The Antidote for Disappointment

We live in a world full of people who make mistakes, including ourselves. We disappoint others, and they disappoint us. And sometimes it’s our circumstances that bring the disappointment. Disappointment has a way of nagging at our hearts and minds. But how do we...

Whose Approval Are You Seeking?

 Is it people’s or is it God’s? How do we distance ourselves from wanting the approval of our peers? Why is it so tempting to want other people’s approval? For most of us, we want to be liked, esteemed and well-thought of. But do we do that at the...

Praise Him in the Storm

When times are tough, often the last thing we want to do is praise God. Our human nature would much prefer to worry, complain, cry and moan about our circumstances. As I write this, we are on day two of Hurricane Harvey. I’ll be honest, nothing in me feels like...

What Does It Mean To Surrender?

 God has really been working on me in the area of surrender for the past couple of years. For most of my adult life, I’ve surrendered parts of my life to God but not all – not everything. I suppose subconsciously I was afraid of what it would mean to “surrender all”...

Is Trusting God Difficult for You?

We all know that trust is not something that is built overnight. Trust is something that is earned. We also know that in order to trust someone we must spend time with them. The same is true with our relationship with God. Unless we are spending time and getting to...