Here I am, Lord...

What is Meaningful in Life?
“Meaningless! Meaningless!” says the Teacher. “Utterly meaningless! Everything is meaningless.” What do people gain from all their labors at which they toil under the sun? Generations come and generations go, but the earth remains forever. Ecclesiastes 1:2-4 Have you...

What Do You Do with the Pain of Rejection?
It hurts. Someone you love rejects you, leaves you, unfriends you or no longer has anything to do with you. What do you do? This recently happened to me, and it broke my heart. It was unexpected, at least to me. Distance and other changes caused our relationship to...

Are you an Admirer of Christ or a Disciple of Christ?
I heard that question recently in an interview I was listening to, and it caught my attention. The speaker went on to say that the way to know the difference was if you were willing to suffer for Christ. An admirer admires Jesus but a disciple follows Him, obeys Him...

Has Disappointment Distanced You from God?
I didn’t want to admit it but I found myself in this place. I found myself distanced from God, and it was not a good feeling. Disappointment has a way of stealing our joy, doesn’t it? And if we allow it to, it can also distant us from a loving, all-knowing God. I had...

God’s Heart Towards You
Do you ever feel like God is disappointed in you; that there’s no way He could forgive you for what you’ve done or your sinful past? Or that you’ve gone too far or been away from Him for too long? Can I tell you those are all lies? Every one of them. God’s heart...