Here I am, Lord...

Do You Really Know God?
Most people would say they know of God or know about God but do they know God? Likewise, many people know about their favorite singers but do they really know them personally? Not likely unless they have a personal relationship with them and spend time with them....

Why I Believe…
At some point in our lives, we are bound to be asked why we believe in Jesus or perhaps we ask ourselves why we believe in Him. And it is not wrong to question but to question means that we actually pursue and put forth effort into finding the truth. The truth can be...

Finding God’s Peace in the Storm
Where God is, there you will find true peace. John 14:1a says, “Let not your hearts be troubled.” And continuing in John 14:27 the Bible says, “Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled,...

Have We Lost our Focus on the Most Important Thing?
This year has been filled with so many events and emotions that it’s hard to put into words. If we had to explain 2020 to someone from another time period, where would we even begin? It almost feels like we are living in the twilight zone. From Coronavirus to...

Our God is Able
As a Christian, there are times where our faith and trust can get shaken. Times when things don’t go our way or the way we thought they would go. We can get tempted to turn to fear, to doubt, to control or just plain give up. But giving up is the opposite of faith and...