Here I am, Lord...

What to do with Fear and Uncertainty
Fear and uncertainty are part of our lives, but most of us have not seen anything like the pandemic we are experiencing today. We are living history right now and no one really knows how long this will last. Not one person is immune to the effects this virus is...

Turn to Me
Be still My child. Let not your heart be troubled. I am with you, and I am for you. There is nothing too difficult for Me. Trust Me in all things. The big things and the small things. I have beautiful plans for My children, and I see from a viewpoint too lofty for...

I Will Fight for You
Be still and tune into Me. Let all other thoughts, cares and concerns go and focus only on Me. Imagine Me right there with you. I am near and as you relax in My presence, it becomes easier to hear My voice. Release all the items on your mind and just enjoy being still...

Wake Up O Sleeper!
Arise and lend your mind to Me and let Me fill you with truth, perspective, hope, purpose, grace and joy. Far too often you let the world crowd out My voice and My truth. Life is like a busy highway and you have to pull over to rest and reset your heart and mind on...

There is Only One You
Your heart is set upon Me but you allow busyness and the world to distract you from Me and My voice. Quite yourself and sense My love and presence all around you. Picture Me sitting right next to you. I am always with you, eager to connect with My children. I am...