Here I am, Lord...

Hope is Alive in Me
My love for you knows no limits. My grace knows no bounds. Infinite are My ways and mighty is My power. My plans for you are good and all that I allow has purpose. Trust in Me despite what you see with your eyes. My plans are far greater than what you can conceive....

Give Me This Day
Beloved, focus your heart and mind on Me. Let Me guide your steps and orchestrate your day. Let all the busyness of your mind be settled and still on Me. I can handle it all. I desire your closeness to Me, listening to My voice and drawing near to Me. My thoughts...

Priceless is My Peace
Rest in Me and My perfect peace. Release your cares and worries to Me. Allow Me to work in My timing. My plans are multi-faceted and are far above your finite understanding. There’s nothing too hard for Me or that I cannot do. Sometimes you need to release and...

My Love is Far Reaching
Let my love wash over you and connect your heart to Mine. Draw close to Me and experience the depths of My love. My love is enough. My plans are enough. Rest in Me and know My heart for you is always for your good and My glory. My purposes are unique and multifaceted....

I Make All Things New
Be still and just remind yourself that I am God. I am the Beginning and I am the End. All that you see before you is My creation. I spoke and the world was created. I tell the sun when to set and when to rise. Every creature of land, sky and water is but a glimpse of...