Here I am, Lord...

When in Doubt, Trust Me
There is a time and a season for all things. I speak and universes appear. I tell the wind when to blow and the oceans when to roll. Who are you to question My divine plans? There is much that happens in the unseen, far too much for your mind to consume or understand....

Friendship with the King
Dear Child, Trust Me in this process. There are so many moving parts. You cannot possibly understand all that I am doing and all that is going on in the unseen. Just remind yourself that I am in charge. I know the plans I have for you and rarely are they a straight...

Look for Me as a Child Looks for Buried Treasure
My child, you are where I want you -- seeking Me, desiring Me, worshipping Me, obeying Me, listening for Me, waiting on Me. I have the power to change things in an instant. Time is no constraint to Me. I hold it all in the palm of My Hand. If I can speak the earth...

Refresh Renew Restart
Allowing God to do a Holy Cleansing Close your eyes and allow Me to refresh you and renew your mind. Let Me purge out all the nonsense and replace it with Truth. The world is noisy and sometimes you need to remove yourself long enough to be renewed in Me. Just like a...

Your Purpose is Found in Me
Set your eyes upon Me. Let Me be your focus and what your heart desires. Your purpose is found in Me. And in Me, is true fulfillment and joy. In Me, is hope and love where there is no condemnation, only my love and heart for you. You see with earthly eyes but I see...