Here I am, Lord...

Healing and Wholeness is Found in Me
Look up at Me. I am always watching over you. As a father smiles when he sees his children, I smile when I see you. You bring much joy to this Father’s heart just by being you. You do not have to earn it. It is freely yours. I enjoy watching you grow and learn. Even...

God, You Never Give Up on Us
Lord, I love you and I praise Your holy name! Thank you for never giving up on us even when we fall, even when we get distant, when we leave Your side, when we get fickle, when we get down, when we get sidetracked, when we let the world take precedence. Lord, You are...

There’s So Much More…
I want to be your first love above all else. I want you to know that I am God. I am your Father. I am the beginning and the end. I speak and life is created. I spoke the universe into existence. Let my love wash over you. Let me fill your heart and mind with My...

Is Social Media the Equivalent of Giving our Teens and Pre-Teens a Loaded Hand Gun?
(Note: This is not my typical devotional post. However, I felt strongly this message needed to get out. I hope you'll share it as well with all of those parents unaware of the potential dangers.) If you are a parent of a teen or pre-teen, most likely you’ve been faced...

Be Strong & Courageous
Step out in faith my child. No longer be timid or afraid of failure or anything else. With Me, there is nothing to fear. I am with you and I will never forsake you. I want to grow you. Set your heart and mind on Me, not on your agenda. Practice tuning into Me...